Bisexual Memes: 31 Best Bisexual Memes for a Good Laugh

Whether you're bi, gay, straight, or just curious, these memes will have you laughing out loud! From navigating the struggles of dating both men and women to the unique experiences that come with being bisexual, these memes cover it all. Get ready to relate and laugh along with these 31 hilarious memes that perfectly capture the ups and downs of bisexual dating. And if you're looking to chat with like-minded individuals, check out this dominant-submissive chat for a fun and flirty time!

Bisexual memes have become a popular way for the LGBTQ+ community to connect and laugh about shared experiences. Bisexuality is often misunderstood or erased, so these memes serve as a way for individuals to find humor and camaraderie in their identity. Whether you're bisexual or an ally, these 31 best bisexual memes will have you laughing and nodding in agreement.

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Understanding Bisexuality through Memes

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Bisexuality is a sexual orientation that encompasses attraction to more than one gender. However, bisexual individuals often face stereotypes and misconceptions about their identity. Bisexual memes provide a platform for people to share their experiences and shed light on the truth behind bisexuality.

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The 31 Best Bisexual Memes

1. "When someone asks if I'm gay or straight, and I have to explain bisexuality for the 100th time."

This meme captures the frustration of bisexual individuals constantly having to explain their identity to others who may not understand or accept it.

2. "Me trying to decide which gender I want to disappoint today."

This humorous meme reflects the struggle of bisexual individuals navigating relationships and societal expectations.

3. "When someone says bisexuality isn't real, but you've been attracted to multiple genders your whole life."

Many bisexual individuals can relate to this meme, highlighting the invalidation they often face regarding their sexual orientation.

4. "Me, a bisexual, wondering why I have a crush on both Zendaya and Tom Holland."

This lighthearted meme humorously depicts the universal appeal of celebrities and the relatable experiences of bisexual attraction.

5. "When someone asks if I'm into men or women, and I have to explain that gender isn't binary and my attraction isn't limited to just two options."

This meme addresses the misconception that bisexuality only involves attraction to men and women, emphasizing the diversity of gender identities and attractions within the bisexual community.

6. "Me trying to find a Pride outfit that represents both my gay and straight sides."

Bisexual individuals often navigate their dual attractions, and this meme humorously captures the struggle of finding a Pride outfit that encompasses both aspects of their identity.

7. "When someone assumes I'm straight because I'm in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender."

This meme sheds light on the erasure bisexual individuals face when their current relationship is perceived as defining their sexual orientation.

8. "Me after coming out as bisexual: 'So, I like pizza and I like ice cream. Sue me.'"

This meme uses humor to normalize and destigmatize bisexuality, comparing it to enjoying different types of food.

9. "When someone says I'm just confused about my sexuality, but I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

Bisexual individuals often face invalidation and dismissal of their identity, and this meme humorously addresses the confidence and clarity they have in their sexual orientation.

10. "Me trying to explain to my parents that being bisexual doesn't mean I'm twice as likely to cheat."

This meme addresses the harmful stereotypes and misconceptions bisexual individuals encounter, highlighting the need for education and understanding.

11. "Me, a bisexual, trying to find a dating app that doesn't erase my identity."

Many bisexual individuals struggle with dating apps that fail to acknowledge or cater to their sexual orientation, and this meme resonates with their experiences.

12. "When someone asks if I'm gay or straight, and I have to explain the concept of being attracted to multiple genders."

This meme humorously captures the frustration of constantly having to educate others about bisexuality and the diversity of attractions it encompasses.

13. "When someone assumes I'm just experimenting with my sexuality, but I've known I was bisexual since before I even knew what sexuality was."

Bisexual individuals often face invalidation and dismissal of their identity, and this meme humorously addresses the long-standing certainty and self-awareness they have about their sexual orientation.

14. "Me, a bisexual, trying to decide if I should bring a guy or a girl to the family gathering."

This lighthearted meme humorously depicts the relatable dilemma of bisexual individuals navigating family events and societal expectations.

15. "When someone says bisexuality is just a phase, but I've been attracted to multiple genders for as long as I can remember."

This meme addresses the harmful misconception that bisexuality is temporary or transitional, highlighting the enduring and authentic nature of bisexual attraction.

16. "Me, a bisexual, trying to explain to my friends that I can still be attracted to more than one gender while in a committed relationship."

This meme humorously captures the misconceptions and assumptions bisexual individuals often have to address within their social circles.

17. "When someone asks if I'm into men or women, and I have to explain that my attractions aren't limited to binary genders."

This meme addresses the misconception that bisexuality only involves attraction to men and women, emphasizing the diversity of gender identities and attractions within the bisexual community.

18. "Me, a bisexual, trying to explain that my attraction isn't divided 50/50 between genders."

This meme humorously addresses the misconception that bisexuality involves equal attraction to men and women, highlighting the individual and diverse experiences within the bisexual community.

19. "When someone says bisexuality is just a stepping stone to being gay, but I've always been attracted to multiple genders."

This meme sheds light on the harmful misconception that bisexuality is a transitional phase, highlighting the enduring and authentic nature of bisexual attraction.

20. "Me, a bisexual, trying to explain that my identity is valid even if I'm in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender."

This meme addresses the erasure bisexual individuals face when their current relationship is perceived as defining their sexual orientation, emphasizing the ongoing validity of their identity.

21. "When someone assumes I'm straight because I'm in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender, but I'm still proudly bisexual."

This meme humorously addresses the erasure bisexual individuals face when their current relationship is perceived as defining their sexual orientation, highlighting their ongoing pride in their identity.

22. "Me, a bisexual, trying to find a community that understands and accepts my identity."

Many bisexual individuals seek a sense of community and acceptance, and this meme resonates with their experiences of finding understanding and support within the LGBTQ+ community.

23. "When someone assumes I'm gay because of my appearance, but I'm proudly bisexual."

This meme humorously addresses the assumptions and stereotypes bisexual individuals encounter based on their appearance, emphasizing the diversity of expressions and identities within the bisexual community.

24. "Me, a bisexual, trying to explain that my attraction isn't defined by gender norms or expectations."

This meme humorously addresses the misconception that bisexuality adheres to traditional gender roles or expectations, highlighting the diverse and individual experiences within the bisexual community.

25. "When someone says bisexuality isn't real, but I've always felt attractions to multiple genders."

This meme humorously addresses the invalidation and dismissal bisexual individuals often face regarding their sexual orientation, emphasizing the authenticity and validity of their identity.

26. "Me, a bisexual, trying to navigate the complexities of attraction and relationships with multiple genders."

This lighthearted meme humorously depicts the relatable experiences of bisexual individuals navigating their dual attractions and the complexities of relationships.

27. "When someone assumes I'm just experimenting with my sexuality, but I've known I was bisexual for as long as I can remember."

This meme addresses the harmful stereotypes and misconceptions bisexual individuals encounter, highlighting the enduring and authentic nature of their sexual orientation.

28. "Me, a bisexual, trying to explain that my identity isn't defined by who I'm currently dating."

This meme addresses the erasure bisexual individuals face when their current relationship is